Cognitive Training and Life Skills Development

Email us to learn more about Skills Training!

  • Get Organized

    Trouble finding your belongings? Missed another medical appointment? Frustrated by unfinished tasks? Let us help you get organized. We help people with the following life areas:

    • Get your affairs in order

    • Safety planning

    • Set up filing/organization systems

    • Create a schedule and follow through (home chores, work tasks, retirement schedules, etc.)

    • Organize finances/bills

    • Organize your home

    • Organize your medical care ( doctors, medication names and what they are for, pill organization and refills, medical appointment scheduling, etc.)

  • Memory Support

    How many times have you walked into a room, only to forget why you entered it?

    Do you struggle to keep track of appointments, errands, or other to-do tasks? Or do you start tasks, but forget to finish them?

    Memory rehab focuses on two things:

    1. Strengthening your memory

    2. Developing strategies to help your memory work more efficiently

    Memory loss can impact daily living tasks like forgetting the stove is on or missing medication doses. Many other cognitive skills impact memory including attention and organization. These skills can be worked on in treatment to reduce episodes of forgetfulness.

  • Meal Planning and Preparation

    Our meal planning and prep services can help you learn to make efficient, healthy meals. We encourage making meals in bulk to reduce daily meal prep burden. The following examples are just a few reasons people ask for meal prep services:

    • lack of meal planning makes food prep difficult (especially if specific meals or a food list is not made before shopping)

    • grocery shopping is too overwhelming

    • tired of buying duplicate items at the grocery store, or worse… forgetting to buy the items you need

    • dread the many steps of cooking… it’s too much so you order out instead (but that gets pricey!)

    • don’t know how to make healthy meals

    • need help with finding and following recipes

  • Brain Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation

    Every brain injury is different, but there are often common symptoms that can be worked on in therapy. Brain injury survivors may feel overwhelmed with large tasks, and skills training can help break them down into smaller achievable steps.

    Cognitive rehabilitation can strengthen a variety of skills including:

    • Memory

    • Attention

    • Initiation (getting started on tasks)

    • Problem solving

    • Judgment

    • Communication

    • Home and schedule organization

    • Daily life skills (medication administration, managing money, meal planning and preparation, preparing to volunteer or return to work, coordinating transportation, etc.)

    • Completing complex tasks

    • Multitasking

    • Thinking and planning ahead (anticipating consequences)

  • ADHD Support

    Are you procrastinating?

    Is your life or personal space disorganized?

    Do you start many tasks, but never finish them?

    Do you buy planners/apps, but never use them?

    Are you nervous about the upcoming college semester?

    What about problems at work? Are you having trouble meeting deadlines?

    Do you intend to get a task done, but binge watch Netflix instead?

    Our providers can help you get back on track. Individuals with ADHD often perform best with daily structure. Let us help you establish a life structure that works for you and helps you meet your personal goals.

  • Tips for Caregivers

    Are you feeling frustrated by constant reminders? Are you repeating yourself a lot? Does your loved one lose things often? You may benefit from learning strategies to decrease caregiver burden. Our cognitive specialist will work with you to understand your caregiving demands and develop strategies tailored to your loved one’s challenges. Sessions can include behavior management, memory strategy training, and medication or home organization, to name a few.

  • Young Adult Life Skills

    Is Adulting getting you down?

    Our cognitive specialist can work with you on a variety of life skills.

    • Finances: learn how to make and stick to a budget

    • Household chores: feel overwhelmed by the piles of laundry, dishes stacked, and clutter? Do you plan to take care of it tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes? Learn how to manage household tasks

    • Meal planning, preparation and cooking: Do you order out lunch because you never pack one? Do you rely on frozen pizza or mac n cheese. Do the steps of cooking and clean up overwhelm you? Learn some tips and tricks to make healthy eating a regular part of your routine.

    • Balance responsibilities and screen time: Do you get sucked into your phone/computer/tv and wonder how the time passed so quickly? Do you feel unproductive because there is not enough time in the day?

    • Effective communication: Social anxiety getting in the way? Do you avoid conflict? Learn the best ways to communicate your needs.