What is CBT?

CBT is also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The Cognitive Triangle

Cognitive behavioral therapy is grounded in the idea that our cognitions (or thoughts) can impact how we feel and behave. If your automatic thought in a situation is negative, it can lead to negative emotions and behaviors. Emotions and behaviors can also influence how we think. In CBT, you will increase your awareness of automatic thoughts and how they impact your feelings and reactions.

Where do automatic thoughts come from?

Automatic thoughts come from core beliefs. Core beliefs include your beliefs about yourself, others and the world. Those beliefs start to develop in childhood and can be strengthened or changed by events throughout your life. Sometimes core beliefs are healthy, such as, “I am capable.” However, sometimes unhealthy core beliefs develop and impact your interpretation of events. For example, some people develop beliefs like “My opinion doesn’t matter” or “other people shouldn’t be trusted.” These core beliefs may impact them later in life and shape how they think, feel and react in situations.

How do you change automatic thoughts if they are… automatic?

By examining and challenging negative core beliefs, you may in turn see changes in your automatic reactions to situations. This takes time and practice. You may be asked to write down your thoughts throughout the week to review in session. This will generate insight into where the thoughts come from, whether they are helpful to you, and how to make changes.

What does CBT look like in session?

You may be asked to write down situations during the week and how you thought, felt and reacted during those situations. It may be difficult to recall exactly what you were thinking, but with practice this will get easier. The therapist will teach you how to use strategies to improve your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. You will also learn where the thoughts come from and how to avoid negative patterns in life. This may include recognizing how thoughts may spiral out of control and how to talk yourself through situations.